Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Contestant Bio: Karen M.

Tell us a little bit about yourself—twitter style (in 140 words or less).

     I am retired, I put on weight when I was a flight attendant, I don't like to cook, I like to eat.

Why did you decide to sign up for the virtual biggest loser?

     I weighed 24 pounds less when I became a flight attendant at age 53, I have a closet full of clothes that I can't wear, I want to be really slender.

What are some of the “tactics” you are taking to achieve your goals?

     Walk briskly every day, follow a diet, eat absolutely no "whites"--flour, sugar, potatoes, rice--try to not get discouraged and quit.

What are some things that help motivate you?

     Envisioning myself as slender, thinking of the health advantage, wanting to wear more form-fitting clothes.

Do you have any advice for others trying to lose weight?

     Eat three small meals/day and snacks in between, eat nothing past 8p, get a good night's sleep, try to drink a lot of water, exercise with a friend.

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