hey all-- thought it would be fun to do some contestant bios for those willing to share. Goal would be to exchange ideas and to hopefully motivate folks. I wrote mine first to kick it off - If you are interested in writing a bio -- email me at kristinmcelderry(at)gmail(dotcom).
Tell us a little bit about yourself—twitter style (in 140
characters or less).
I am a wanna-be homemaker posing as an IT Consultant to fund my addiction to crafting, cooking and throwing parties. I live in Ann Arbor, Mi with my husband and cute fluffy cat Myao Ming.
Why did you decide to sign up for the virtual biggest loser?
I feel like every year my resolution is to lose weight. I have lost and gained, then gained again for pretty much that past 8 years. Anyway -- this year it was time to shake things up, so I started this little spot in cyberspace and am hoping that working alongside all of you fine people will give me the continued motivation to make it past one month of trying to lose weight, and into something more sustainable (you know, a lifestyle of treating my body right).
What are some of the “tactics” you are taking to achieve
your goals?
For food -- I am following something close to the "Biggest Loser Diet Plan". I checked out the Biggest Loser Dessert Cookbook from the library, it has all of the details. Key aspects are -- little to no processed foods, primarily veggies & fruit, whole grains and watching portions. I log my food at myfitnesspal.com, which is a free site -- this helps me keep up with how many calories I am intaking (my target is 7*my current weight).
For exercise-- I am walking and doing aerobic videos with friends (I love Jillian Michael's videos). I am also going to take a demo of a tap dance class tonight -- for me exercise has to be even just a little fun for me to keep doing it (or I need friends to drive to my house every am!)
What are some things that help motivate you?
I really want to be fit so that when my husband and I have kids-- I am at a healthier weight for pregnancy. I want to be the mom who can chase kids around!! And keep up with them! I also want to live a long, healthy life, and I know that being overweight puts me at risk for a lot of problems.
Do you have any advice to others trying to lose weight?
Don't be too hard on yourself. So many times I give up because I didn't do something perfect, skipped a workout, or ate too much. Do you know anyone who is perfect? I don't. So if one morning I go the gym and I only feel like walking for 10 minutes... yep, maybe I could have done more. But 10 minutes is better than nothing at all. And if we give up the first time we don't do it perfect-- surely we won't make it very far. So keep it positive, and celebrate the small and simple accomplishments you make!
Thanks for sharing Kristin! We're all going to be a lot healthier because of your great idea. :)